Welcome to "Re-Establishing "P".
The “P” stands for priorities, perseverance, prayer and PORTIA!
A series of raw, real and revealing truths as I work through my mid-life “crisis”?, no, too cliché. “Challenge”?, no, too boring. “Novela” (soap opera)?, yeah, that’s about right.
Here goes…
The pandemic, the closing of the Belly Motions physical location after 15 years, my son’s cancer (and getting the diagnosis when my entire family was Covid-19 positive), my husband’s 11-month unemployment journey, my sister’s breast cancer, my family’s financial crisis, and my weight gain have pushed me to re-examine EVERYTHING. From career to motherhood to womanhood and what to eat for breakfast. Things are a changing, or adapting I should say, for the better, or at least that’s the goal.
((Insert. First world problems? Yes. But suffering is relative and while this may not have been absolute suffering, it was still suffering. My hope is that through my suffering, or at least blasting it on the internet for everyone to read, will provide YOU with some sort of solace (and some sort of self-help therapy for me) because this past year has been a doozy. Perhaps you can relate to me on some level and you’ll feel a little bit safer, supported, maybe I’ll make you laugh?))
So as I work through the “shifting of gears” in the time table of my life, you’ll be traveling with me, only if you’d like to of course. I’ll share my journey through posts, blogs, reels and images. Some will be funny, some emotionally deep, some edited and some just plain real.
Here we go.
Here are several books that have inspired me to get to this point.
Hold On, But Don’t Hold Still by Kristina Kuzmic
Bella Figura How to Live, Love and Eat the Italian Way by Kamin Mohammadi
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